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Rallying to the Challenge

Annual Parkinson’s research meeting

Every year the Van Andel Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan hosts its scientific conference, Grand Challenges in Parkinson’s. Running in parallel with this is an inspiring Parkinson’s research meeting called ‘Rallying to the Challenge’. Designed and run by people living with Parkinson’s, ‘Rallying’ (as it is affectionately known) identifies methods and creates practical tools to support research.

This conference has one simple aim – to involve people living with Parkinson’s in research. To find out more, please explore the three areas below:

2019 meeting

Understanding the genetic risk

Previous meetings

Background and history of Rallying

Clinical Trials Charter

Successful recruitment and retention in trials

Following Rallying to the Challenge 2017, we hosted a live international update meeting in November 2018. The meeting was kindly hosted by the Bentley Academy in London and was broadcast online. Please click here for more information.

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