Emma Green


Age diagnosed: 50

Specialist interest: Clinical project management

I work as a clinical project manager in a Phase 1 pharmacology unit. I want to use my experience to work in the pd area and be part of finding a cure.

Emma and her friends will be rowing down the River Thames to raise money for The Cure Parkinson’s Trust – click here to support the team and read more about their story.

I want to be involved in all parts of running pd clinical trials, from helping with regulation submissions to helping recruit patients to studies. We must remember that weʼre all part of the solution and we must stand up and be counted.
What is the one thing you want to change in the world?:

“Everybody deserves to be treated with respect”

What advice would you give to others who are keen to get involved in Parkinson’s research?:

“There are so many ways to help. Everyone has different skills and everyone’s input is invaluable”

Recommended Parkinson’s Reading:

The first book I read was recommended by my physio. Itʼs called “the New Parkinsonʼs treatment Exercise is medicine” by Melissa McConaghy”


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